Monday 27 August 2012

Codegarden 2012

I recently presented uBlogsy at Codegarden12 after a heavy night of drinking.

The slide deck can be found here


Here are the questions I sought to answer in the presentation. Basically the FAQ's that keep popPing up in the forum.

Can uBlogsy sit anywhere in the tree other than the root?

Will it work without the posts container?
Yes. You only need the landing node and if course the posts.

Will it work without the date folders?
Yes. But for organisation of your content you should use them.

Can I have more than one instance of uBlogsy in an Umbraco installation?
Yes you can. In fact it was built with multi-region in mind. Moreover they can be at any level because the scripts all travers up the tree in search for the uBlogsy landing node.

Does it scale?
Yes. I think... I’ve tested it on 2000 nodes using SQLCE. Page loads were under 1sec.

Can I integrate uBlogsy into an existing site?
Yes. The uBlogsyBaseSite master page just needs to inherit from your own master page (template). Then strip out the html you don’t need. You can also just use the macros.

uBlogsy is not my root node. How do I get a summary list on my home page?
There are a few ways. The easiest is to pass in the landing node Id to the macro, or to hardcode it in the macro itself.

Can I have category folders?
Yes. uBlogsy's scripts only care about uBlogsyLanding and uBlogsyPost nodes. Put anything you like in between. However, if you want to display YOUR categories, it's up to you.

Can I list posts based on more than one tag, author, or category? Moreover, can these be combined?
Yes! Just coma delimit.

Can posts have an image?
Hell yes! Just add a media picker (or DAMP) and modify  uBlogsyShowPost.cshtml

Can posts have a video?

Sunday 12 August 2012


After many many months of procrastination, I've finally released uBlogsy

- Added comment date property to comment
- Fixed tagging UI bug
- Put try/catch around cache updating in event handler
- Added commenter email to all email templates.
- Moved rss template out of uBlogsy base template to fix spacing issue during installation
- Fixed rss import bug

Upgrade instructions
- Replace Dll's
- Replace rss import dashboard ascx file
- Add a date time property to Comment document type with alias uBlogsyCommentDate
- Publish all comments to allow auto-copy of creation date to new comment create date property